Navigation Drawer Animation Android Github

Duo Navigation Drawer Download Build Status Android Arsenal

This Android library provides an easy way to create an alternative navigation drawer for android. Instead of a drawer that slides over the main content of the Activity, this lets the content slide away and reveal a menu below it.

By default it applies a scaling effect on the content and menu.


If you're still using legacy Android Support libraries you can use v2.0.8. AndroidX is supported by default since v3.0.0.


Demo CountPages alpha

The demo app is included in the app module in this project.

Getting Started


You can download a jar from GitHub's releases page.

Or use Gradle:

              repositories              {     mavenCentral()                              //                jcenter() works as well because it pulls from Maven Central              }              dependencies              {     compile                              'nl.psdcompany:duo-navigation-drawer:3.0.0'                            }

Or Maven:

<dependency>   <groupId>nl.psdcompany</groupId>   <artifactId>duo-navigation-drawer</artifactId>   <version>3.0.0</version>   <type>pom</type> </dependency>


1. Add the DuoNavigationDrawer view to your activity

<nl.psdcompany.duonavigationdrawer.views.DuoDrawerLayout              xmlns              :              android=                ""                            android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "match_parent"                            ... />

2. Add the content view view to your drawer

Add the a content view to your drawer by adding the attribute: app:content to your drawer.

<nl.psdcompany.duonavigationdrawer.views.DuoDrawerLayout              xmlns              :              android=                ""                            app              :              content=                "@layout/content"                            ... />

or, you can also add a view within the drawer with the tag content.

<nl.psdcompany.duonavigationdrawer.views.DuoDrawerLayout              xmlns              :              android=                ""                            ... >          <FrameLayout              android              :              id=                "@+id/container"                            android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "match_parent"                            android              :              tag=                "content"                            ... />  </nl.psdcompany.duonavigationdrawer.views.DuoDrawerLayout>

3. Add the menu view view to your drawer

Add the a menu view to your drawer by adding the attribute: app:menu to your drawer.

<nl.psdcompany.duonavigationdrawer.views.DuoDrawerLayout              xmlns              :              android=                ""                            app              :              menu=                "@layout/menu"                            ... />

or, you can also add a view within the drawer with the tag menu.

<nl.psdcompany.duonavigationdrawer.views.DuoDrawerLayout              xmlns              :              android=                ""                            ... >          <FrameLayout              android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "match_parent"                            android              :              tag=                "menu"                            ... />  </nl.psdcompany.duonavigationdrawer.views.DuoDrawerLayout>

4. Initialize the drawer view

The API of the DuoNavigationDrawer is mostly the same as the original DrawerLayout from the Android design library. Same for DuoDrawerToggle which is a modified version of the ActionBarDrawerToggle to support the DuoDrawerLayout.

              DuoDrawerLayout              drawerLayout              =              (DuoDrawerLayout) findViewById(R              .id.drawer);              DuoDrawerToggle              drawerToggle              =              new              DuoDrawerToggle(this, drawerLayout, toolbar,              R              .string.navigation_drawer_open,              R              .string.navigation_drawer_close);  drawerLayout.setDrawerListener(drawerToggle); drawerToggle.syncState();


Using the DuoMenuView

If you want your menu to look like the demo. you should consider using the DuoMenuView For more info using the DuoMenuView click here.


All values are Float values. The default values are used in the example.

Content scaling effect

The scaling applied on the content when sliding it from left to right.

app:contentScaleClosed="1.0" app:contentScaleOpen="0.7"

Menu scaling effect

The scaling applied on the menu when sliding the content from left to right.

app:menuScaleClosed="1.1" app:menuScaleOpen="1.0"

Click to close surface scaling effect

The scaling applied on the click to close surface when the drawer is open.


Menu alpha effect

The alpha on the menu when sliding the content from left to right.

app:menuAlphaClosed="0.0" app:menuAlphaOpen="1.0"

Content margin factor

This value is used to calculate how much of the content should be visible when the content is slided to the right. This is calculated with the width of the DuoDrawerLayout when: getWidth * marginFactor. So setting this to 1.0f will slide the content out of the activity. The default is 0.7f.

Apps using the DuoNavigationDrawer

  • Bagels & Beans
  • Hebban

Feel free to apply your app to the list by sending me an email with a link to your app in the play store.

Developed By

  • Alexander Pot -


If you'd like to support DuoNavigationDrawer development, you could make some donations here:

  • Donate

Thank you very much in advance!


              Copyright 2017 Alexander Pot  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.                          

Navigation Drawer Animation Android Github


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